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Anabolika Tabletten: Was Sie Wissen Sollten

Anabolika Tabletten: Was Sie Wissen Sollten

In der Welt des Bodybuildings und der Leistungssteigerung sind anabolika tabletten ein häufiges Thema. Viele Athleten und Fitnessbegeisterte ziehen in Betracht, diese Substanzen zu verwenden, um ihre Leistungsfähigkeit zu steigern und Muskelmasse aufzubauen. Doch was genau sind Anabolika und welche Risiken sind damit verbunden?

Was sind Anabolika?

Anabolika, auch bekannt als anabole Steroide, sind synthetische Derivate des männlichen Sexualhormons Testosteron. Sie fördern das Muskelwachstum und die Regeneration, indem sie die Proteinsynthese im Körper erhöhen. Dies macht sie besonders attraktiv für Sportler, die ihre Leistung steigern möchten.

Die Verwendung von Anabolika Tabletten

Die Einnahme von anabolika tabletten erfolgt meist in Zyklen, um die gewünschten Ergebnisse zu maximieren. Oft kombinieren Nutzer verschiedene Präparate, um den Effekt zu verstärken – eine Praxis, die als „Stacking“ bekannt ist. Allerdings sollte man sich der Risiken bewusst sein, die mit dieser Anwendung verbunden sind.

Risiken und Nebenwirkungen

Obwohl anabolika tabletten viele Vorteile bieten können, sind sie nicht ohne Risiken. Zu den häufigsten Nebenwirkungen gehören:

  • Akne und Hautprobleme
  • Hormonelle Ungleichgewichte
  • Leber- und Herzprobleme
  • Psychische Auswirkungen wie Aggressivität

Rechtliche Aspekte

Die Verwendung von anabolika tabletten ist in vielen Ländern eingeschränkt oder illegal. Es ist wichtig, sich über die gesetzlichen Bestimmungen in Ihrem Land zu informieren, bevor Sie solche Substanzen in Betracht ziehen. Der Kauf von Anabolika aus unsicheren Quellen kann zudem gesundheitliche Risiken bergen.

Alternativen zu Anabolika

Für viele gibt es gesündere Alternativen zu anabolika tabletten. Natürliche Supplements, wie Proteinpulver, Kreatin https://anabolikaonlinekaufen.com/ und bestimmte Aminosäuren, können helfen, die Leistung zu steigern und den Muskelaufbau zu unterstützen, ohne die schweren Nebenwirkungen anaboler Steroide.


Die Entscheidung, anabolika tabletten zu verwenden, sollte gut überlegt sein. Informieren Sie sich umfassend über die Vor- und Nachteile sowie die rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen. Es ist ratsam, sich Unterstützung von Fachleuten zu suchen und auf gesunde Trainingsmethoden zurückzugreifen, um langfristige Erfolge zu erzielen.

Mejores Anabólicos Naturales Para Ganar Volumen Y Fuerza

Mejores Anabólicos Naturales Para Ganar Volumen Y Fuerza

Las 2 pueden detectarse por inmunoanálisis o por espectrometría de masas68, aunque no es lícito investigar la hCG en mujeres por motivos éticos ya que se eleva de forma fisiológica en el embarazo. El consumo de esteroides para mejorar la imagen o aumentar el rendimiento físico pretende beneficiarse de los efectos anabolizantes suprimiendo los efectos androgénicos. Esto puede resultar complicado ya que ambos efectos responden a las características propias de los esteroides. Para eludir los efectos indeseados de los anabolizantes, los usuarios suelen establecer periodos alternos de uso y descanso (ciclos).

El infarto de miocardio y el suicidio fueron las causas más frecuentes de mortalidad39. El efecto principal de los andrógenos es la hipertrofia muscular por aumento del grosor de las fibras, tanto de tipo i como de tipo ii, número de capilares y de núcleos de miocitos por fibra lo que podría producir un aumento en la fuerza muscular31. El incremento en la síntesis proteica con balance de nitrógeno positivo produce una ganancia de hasta un 37% al combinar testosterona y ejercicio, y solo un 10% si es testosterona sin ejercicio32. Otro estudio en 6000 adolescentes suecos mostraba una cifra del 2,8-3,6% en varones frente a ningún caso en mujeres19. Un metaanálisis de varios estudios en diferentes países indicaba una prevalencia del 6,4% en hombres y del 1,6% en mujeres20, pero la muestra podría haber estado sobrerrepresentada por culturistas, atletas, gimnastas y prisioneros.

  • Por ejemplo, los niveles de testosterona incrementan el nivel de agresividad de la persona, teniendo frecuentes cambios de humor; incluso explosiones de ira que son conocidas como “rabia de esteroide”.
  • El sitio net ya contiene información general sobre los productos farmacéuticos, pero si un cliente necesita más información, vale la pena ponerse en contacto con un asesor.
  • Los cient�ficos se sorprendieron al encontrar un detrimento mayor del que ya hab�an identificado estudios anteriores.

Adicto A Los Esteroides Anabolizantes

Además, la creatina aumenta la fosfocreatina muscular que es usada para producir más ATP (una forma de energía) y, como consecuencia, permite que las sesiones de entrenamiento sean más largas e intensas. Pruebas científicas recientes también han demostrado que la ingestión de creatina eleva el Factor de Crecimiento semejante a la Insulina tipo-1 (IGF-1), proporcionando así otro camino para la construcción de masa. Como consecuencia, la ingesta de hidrolizado de proteína suero lleva más agua a la célula muscular (confiriéndola más volumen), estimula el anabolismo acelerando la recuperación y el normal funcionamiento del sistema inmune. La tasa de absorción de los di- y tri-péptidos es mayor que el de los aminoácidos libres, por lo que se minimiza la competencia entre estos dos sustratos lo que favorece la asimilación de las fracciones pequeñas de péptidos. Nada más despertarte toma gramos de aislado de proteína de suero para poner en marcha el modo anabólico y detener cualquier posibilidad de entrar en catabolismo como consecuencia del ayuno nocturno.

En mujeres sensibles a estímulos androgénicos, raramente pueden aparecer efectos indeseables como acné, hirsutismo (aparición de vello en la mujer de forma exagerada) y cambios en la voz. Por tanto, se deberá realizar una valoración cuidadosa antes de decidir si el tratamiento con medicamentos anabolizantes está indicado en mujeres. Tras los primeros signos de cambios en la voz (fatigabilidad de la voz, afonía, disfonía) se recomienda la suspensión del tratamiento. En caso de que fuera necesario continuar con el tratamiento, es posible que los trastornos de la voz se hagan irreversibles.

Investigadores Demuestran Que Los Esteroides Anabólicos Para Aumentar La Masa Muscular Causan Daños Graves En El Hígado

Según explica Petar Petrov, primer firmante del estudio, “caracterizar fenómenos idiosincráticos, es decir, que no ocurren en todos los individuos, no es tarea fácil, ya que el número de casos que aparecen es bajo. En este trabajo, hemos analizado el perfil de los ácidos biliares de hombres jóvenes ingresados en el Hospital La Fe con colestasis tras consumir epistane, detectando un aumento de más de 60 veces en la concentración de ácidos biliares en sangre, sobre todo primarios (ácido cólico) y disminución de los secundarios”. A nivel molecular, la recuperación posterior a un ejercicio de resistencia se apoya principalmente en la Leucina. De ahí la importancia de ingerir suplementos que puedan aumentar su concentración intramuscular (muy necesaria) lo que activa los factores de crecimiento del músculo.

Revista Clínica Española, publicó su primer número en 1940 y es órgano de expresión de la Sociedad Española de Medicina Interna (SEMI).La Revista hace suyos los objetivos de actualizar los conocimientos y facilitar la adquisición de los avances claves de la medicina interna aplicados a la clínica. Revista Clínica Española somete a una rigurosa revisión doble ciega los artículos que recibe en español o inglés. Publica 10 números al año fundamentalmente con originales, revisiones y documentos de consenso. En cualquier caso, utilizar derivados de la testosterona con una finalidad distinta a la terapéutica puede convertirte en adicto a los esteroides y envolverte en situaciones legalmente complicadas.

Why Do I Sneeze When I Drink Alcohol?

why do i sneeze when i drink wine

During the skin prick test, drops of wine are placed on the back of your forearm and the skin is pricked through the liquid. If you experience a localized reaction, such as redness or hives, then it can be concluded that an allergy to wine exists. Blood tests are also used to measure the presence of specific antibodies in your blood that may indicate an allergic reaction to wine. In this article, we’ll explore why drinking alcohol commonly leads to a stuffed up nose for so many people. More importantly, you’ll discover actionable ways to stop alcohol from inflaming nasal passages so you can avoid the dreaded stuffy nose hangover.

Health Library categories

If you experience these symptoms after drinking alcohol, you must see a doctor as you may need to be treated for an allergy. If you are wondering why the nose gets stuffy on drinking alcohol, you have reached the right place. Flushing of skin is common in case of alcohol intolerance and many times, even your nose gets stuffy. This often leads to sneezing as the body is unable to tolerate regular intake of alcohol.

Why Your Face Gets Beet Red When You Drink

When it comes to how alcohol impacts asthma, the conclusions are less set-in stone. Researchers are still trying to uncover the exact link, but some studies suggest alcohol makes asthma symptoms worse and can even lead to asthma attacks. Wine-intolerant persons were also more likely to report intolerance to beer and alcohol in general. But not many people realize that there are many ingredients, additives, and preservatives within alcoholic beverages that can cause negative side effects. In some people, these reactions look like allergy symptoms even though they don’t have a true allergy to alcohol. Allergy testing can determine if a person is allergic to histamine or other compounds found in red wine.

why do i sneeze when i drink wine

These can either be acquired over the counter or through a prescription from your doctor. Skin tests involve a small bit of allergen being pricked or injected under your skin. Reactions of redness or why do i sneeze when i drink wine swelling will often occur quickly if you’re allergic to the allergen. Reactions to wine could also depend on the specific type of grape used in the wine. For example, one publication reports the occurrence of negative reactions in those with hypertension after consumption of wine containing Merlot grapes.

How To Prevent Nasal Congestion After Drinking Alcohol

  • If you are wondering why the nose gets stuffy on drinking alcohol, you have reached the right place.
  • Some people believe that a reaction to histamine causes symptoms after drinking red wine.
  • People with this defect aren’t able to metabolize alcohol as quickly as others, which leads to a buildup of a compound called acetaldehyde that is known to cause skin flushing.
  • It may occur after eating or drinking grape products, including wine, raisins, and fresh grapes.
  • Those who are found to have an allergy to a specific ingredient in wine like grapes may need to avoid other foods containing those ingredients.

Ok, so now that we’ve answered the question – why does my nose get stuffy when I drink? – it’s time to determine whether this is really a cause for concern or not. Read on to uncover the science behind the stuffy nose phenomenon as well as key strategies to prevent it from becoming an inevitable side effect of drinking alcohol. Sometimes, insects, such as bees and wasps, can fall into wine and be crushed with the grapes. In fact, one study of five individuals found that a reaction was observed after drinking newly processed wine or grape juice.


Although allergies to wine and other types of alcohol are rare, they’re possible. Wine contains a variety of allergens, including grapes, yeast, and ethanol. One 2014 study assessed if fining agents could be detected in red and white wines following these removal procedures. The assays used couldn’t detect the presence of fining agents in the wines tested.

  • Wine contains many organic compounds including proteins from grapes (of course), bacteria, yeast, sulfites (some wines) and biogenic amines (histamine).
  • A sulfite sensitivity is typically classified as an allergy and may result in mild to severe symptoms.
  • Beer does share some potential allergens with wine, such as ethanol, sulfites, and yeast.
  • First, some people have lower levels of the enzymes the body needs to break alcohol (ethanol) into metabolites that it can process and excrete.
  • One 2005 study surveyed people who experience upper airway symptoms in response to alcohol.
  • Histamine intolerance is a complex condition that can be caused by several different factors.
  • Well, excess of histamine eventually makes you more prone to falling ill.

The acid in wine is an important factor in the flavor formation process. It is stronger after a winemaking process than it was before, making it an integral part of the finished product. In addition to raisins and dried fruits, sulfates are used as preservatives in some foods, including wines. The presence of sulfites does not always mean the wine is of a lower quality and, in fact, may be used to prevent spoilage. These include proteins, enzymes, dairy products, molds, and ingredients used in the production of wine.

But whenever you drink, you seem to experience a sudden sensation of warmth, and your face, neck and upper chest become covered in red patches and blotchy skin. Your descent may also have to do with that because those belonging to Asian countries face more of such problems leading to nasal inflammation on drinking alcohol. It could also be that alcohol has a natural side effect to make people congested. Alcoholic drinks have a natural vasodilatory effect which expands blood vessels. If you know the component in wine that you’re allergic to, you may be able to avoid it.

People who lack certain enzymes in their bodies often get troubled by these problems. However, caution is advised when drinking wine, as adverse reactions can be severe. It may be best to avoid wine — and any other alcoholic beverages you’re allergic to — completely.

Histamines can be found in wine, as they are produced when yeast is used to ferment grapes. For these reasons, it is important for winemakers to be aware of the possible effects that histamines may have on some people. As such, The TTTB has proposed a change to the labeling requirements which will require winemakers to list any ingredients that may contain histamines on the label.

We have plenty of reasons on alcohol intolerances, allergies and what to do next. Our complete guide to Sudden Alcohol Intolerance is an excellent introductory resource to this condition. Your doctor can work with you to help determine if your symptoms are caused by an allergy or an intolerance to wine. Investigators found that 83 percent of respondents reported that their symptoms developed after consumption of red wine. White wine was the next most prevalent, with 31 percent reporting it as a symptom trigger.

The build-up of histamines can then trigger the allergy-like symptoms when certain foods or drinks, such as alcohol, are consumed. It is important to talk to a doctor to get the proper diagnosis and treatment plan for histamine intolerance. Other molds, yeasts, proteins, and ingredients used for wine fining can also be allergens. It is important to be aware of these allergens as they may cause reactions in those who are sensitive. For those with why do i sneeze when i drink alcohol Red Wine Allergies, the symptoms can be quite unpleasant and may last for several hours. In terms of treatment, medications such as antihistamines can help reduce the severity of symptoms in some cases.

Monolithic Vs Microservices Structure

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monolithic vs microservices vs soa architecture

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See how vFunction can accelerate engineering velocity and improve utility resiliency and scalability at your group. When comparing Microservices vs SOA, they both depend on providers as the primary part but they differ tremendously in terms of service characteristics. We have a service internally that permits us to spin up a model new service on a particular stack and it precedes issues like logging, monitoring, and cacheing. Finally, we automated as much as we may, including the migration process itself. We created our personal dashboard to view all migrations successfully machine learning in real time.

Constructing A Scalable And Maintainable Front End With Component-based Architecture

For years, nearly all of apps have been developed with a monolithic architecture. It was the usual in app growth, but as applied sciences have moved forward, it has become outdated. Every project has its personal unique requirements, and understanding these architectural types can help us select probably the most appropriate method for each project. This blog aims to supply https://www.globalcloudteam.com/soa-vs-microservices-whats-the-difference/ a comprehensive comparability of those three architectural designs, highlighting their strengths, weaknesses, and the best situations to use them.

  • The only downside was, the term “microservices” didn’t exist and the structure wasn’t well-known.
  • Moreover, your app will certainly develop, and the variety of services will grow as properly.
  • SOA deployments are difficult by the truth that adding a service entails recreating and redeploying the whole software, since companies are coupled together.
  • Service-oriented structure (SOA) is an enterprise-wide approach to software program improvement of software elements that takes advantage of reusable software program elements, or providers.

Tabulated Variations Between Soa Vs Microservices

Microservices are far more capable of dealing with this kind of information load than monolithic functions. An particular person group is often liable for each service used in a Microservices structure. This allows for updating, testing, deployment, and scaling that is individual to every service and creates manageable complexity.

Which Is Better, Monolithic Or Microservices Architecture?

➡ Learn extra on structure and system design in Grokking the System Design Interview and Grokking the Advanced System Design Interview. ➡ Check Grokking System Design Fundamentals for a listing of frequent system design ideas. Because the catalog, play, and purchase capabilities are so dependent upon each other, if one goes down, the others will go down with it. An example can be if your corporation was a startup with loads of great ideas however not a lot of resources. To launch your business, begin scaling, and appeal to the attention of traders, you would wish to get your product to market as rapidly as potential. Choosing the proper structure on your MVP is a daunting task, however RubyGarage has a few years of experience that can assist you together with your alternative.

Since every software service is an unbiased unit, it’s straightforward to replace and preserve it with out hurting different companies. For instance, giant enterprise apps can be managed simpler when broken into services. Most applications are reliant on a great deal of cross-cutting issues, corresponding to audit trails, logging, price limiting, and so forth. Monolithic apps incorporate these concerns much simpler due to their single code base. It’s easier to hook up parts to those issues when everything runs in the same app. However, as the applying turns into extra complex and the codebase grows, growth slows down and the time between releases increases.

It’s potential to deploy one part at a time, making the method easy and fast. However, it’s solely potential if the engineers can handle the complexity of microservice architecture. Their impartial deployment cycles enable for continuous enchancment with out system-wide downtimes. One of the advantages of microservices structure is the alignment with agile improvement rules permits groups to totally own their services, from improvement to production.

The monolithic model isn’t outdated, and it nonetheless works nice in some circumstances. Some big companies like Etsy stay monolithic despite today’s popularity of microservices. Monolithic software architecture may be helpful in case your group is at the founding stage, you’re building an unproven product, and you have no expertise with microservices. Monolithic is perfect for startups that need to get a product up and operating as soon as possible. However, sure points talked about above come with the monolithic package deal. When a number of teams are engaged on the same project, agility could be reduced significantly.

But this might be too complex for what your business needs and a simpler Framework may be easier and more price efficient to implement. At Coforge we are right here to assist assess your choices and get you on track for streamlining and automating your Application Architecture. In this guide, we’ll illuminate the key features, advantages, and limitations of both monolithic and microservices structure to assist you choose the best suited choice for your corporation. In code examples spotlight the structural and operational variations between Monolithic, SOA, and Microservices architectures. While the Monolithic instance is straightforward, showcasing a unified utility construction, the SOA and Microservices examples illustrate the modularity and distributed nature of those architectures.

monolithic vs microservices vs soa architecture

Now that we know in regards to the strengths and weaknesses of microservices and monoliths, it’s time to match them and allow you to resolve which one to choose for your app growth. We will analyze their performance, scaling, deployment, safety, cost, and collaboration. Compared to microservice structure, where you need to deal with multiple deployments, you only need to handle one with a monolith. It saves you time and effort and puts monolithic architecture better off. Software testing of microservice structure is challenging, to say the least.

Serverless architecture is a cloud computing method to constructing and running apps and services without the need for infrastructure administration. In serverless apps, code execution is managed by a server, allowing builders to deploy code with out worrying about server maintenance and provision. In fact, serverless doesn’t mean “no server.” The application remains to be operating on servers, but a third-party cloud service like AWS takes full responsibility for these servers.

Netflix has set a development in the market, and more and more corporations have discovered that microservices offer higher scalability, agility, and adaptability, so why go back to monolithic architecture? Still, it hasn’t vanished, as monoliths continue to be the inspiration of many software functions. The term ‘microservices’ has vaulted from being just a buzzword to an essential staple within the software program growth food plan. Casting a critical eye on the monolithic structure of yesteryears, developers recognized the pitfalls of tightly integrated techniques that stifled impartial deployment and evolution of system components.

Due to every service’s capability to scale, SOAs sometimes have a wider vary of focus. Data management is yet another battleground for these architectural kinds. At the center of the talk between SOA and microservices lies a couple of key differences that set them aside.

Lack of standardization – Without a standard platform, there could be a proliferation of languages, logging standards, and monitoring. Added organizational overhead – Teams have to add one other level of communication and collaboration to coordinate updates and interfaces. Lack of flexibility – A monolith is constrained by the applied sciences already used in the monolith. The reliance on APIs additionally retains information in every module secure and confidential. Discover how IBM watsonx Code Assistant for Z is reworking app modernization with AI.

Wat Zijn Prohormonen?

Wat Zijn Prohormonen?

Hoewel meningen verschillen over de vraag of PVMs een vorm van valsspelen zijn, brengen ze altijd een veelvoud van bijwerkingen en risico’s met zich mee. Zowel pro-hormonen als anabole steroïden beweren formaat en kracht te vergroten of vetverlies te bevorderen. Daarbij zijn het beide prestatie verhogende middelen die vergelijkbare bijwerkingen hebben, hormonen manipuleren en gekuurd worden. Alle winsten of verbeteringen die worden ervaren door het gebruik van prohormonen zijn echter meestal van korte duur en hebben een prijs.

Werken Prohormonen Eigenlijk Wel?

Gebruikers van deze aanduiding zijn waarschijnlijk te veel gericht op het werkende anabole steroid, dat de enzymen uit het prosteroid moeten maken. Wat bedrijven doen om dit te voorkomen is een aantal moleculen aanpassen om zo een verbod te omzeilen. Uiteindelijk worden pro-hormoon namen zo ingewikkeld dat niemand meer echt weet wat het precies bevat en is. Bovendien kan een zorgverlener u helpen bij het bepalen van de juiste hoeveelheid eiwitten en andere voeding die u nodig hebt, zodat u uw doelen voor lichaamssamenstelling op een veilige en effectieve manier kunt bereiken. Langdurige bijwerkingen van prohormoongebruik kunnen cardiovasculaire risico’s, onherstelbare lever- en nierschade en verhoogde cholesterolwaarden omvatten.

Deze effecten kunnen variëren op foundation van het individu, zoals het geval is met elk voedingssupplement. Voor sommige mensen kunnen de effecten ernstig en langdurig zijn, vergelijkbaar met de bijwerkingen van steroïden. Een anabole steroïde die door de mazen van het web glipte toen de wet van 2004 werd gewijzigd, was Dehydroepiandrosteron (DHEA). DHEA is technisch legaal in de VS – in andere landen wordt het beschouwd als een gereguleerde stof – en de Food and Drug Administration (FDA) staat het toe om in voedingssupplementen te zitten.

  • Er zijn hier verschillende problemen, maar ook duidelijke voordelen.
  • Bijvoorbeeld, 2a,3a-epithio-17a-methyl-etioallocholan-17b-ol is de naam van het inmiddels verboden pro-hormoon dat ‘epistane’ heet op het label.
  • Opgemerkt moet worden dat prohormonen de standing van levensmiddelenadditief hebben, wat betekent dat de kwaliteitscontrole van deze producten veel lager is dan in het geval van geneesmiddelen.
  • Peer-reviewed, placebo-gecontroleerde, gerandomiseerde klinische onderzoeken moeten worden uitgevoerd om aan te tonen dat orale prohormoonsuppletie de spiermassa kan vergroten.

Steroïden Worden Vaak Met Grote Voorzichtigheid Benaderd En Gebruikt, Bij Pro-hormonen Is Dit Niet Zo

De verbinding met een aromatische ring A en een carbonylgroep op C17 in schema four is een veel gebruikte uitgangstof voor de synthese van 19-nor-steroiden. De carbonylgroep kan reageren met organo-metaal reagentia waarmee chemici methyl- (CH3), of ethynylgroepen (C≡CH) invoeren. De ethynylgroep kan daarna met twee moleculen waterstof (2 H2) gereduceerd worden tot een ethylgroep (CH2-CH3).

Bedrijven adverteren het nieuwe prohormoon als wettelijk toegestaan en ze nemen aan dat de benodigde metabole omzettingen naar het echte anabool op zullen treden. De eventuele anabole werking en de bijwerkingen van het prohormoon zijn meestal nooit onderzocht. Alleen wetenschappelijk onderzoek kan hierover uitsluitsel geven.

Chemici kunnen deze tussenproducten isoleren, maar ze ook meteen verder omzetten naar de gewenste 4-een-3-on verbindingen, de actieve steroiden (zie Schema 5). Veel van dit soort syntheses zijn voor 19-nor-steroiden uitgevoerd. Ze staan in de oudere literatuur 8 9 10 11 en in oude patenten 12 13. We zien in de schema�s 1 en 2 dat https://vpbeautynails.gr/trenbolone-een-diepgaand-overzicht/ veel van deze enzymatische omzettingen al zijn toegepast voor prohormonen van testosteron en dihydrotestosteron.

Synthetische hormonen zoals anabole steroiden krijgen we in het lichaam als drug of medicijn doormiddel van een pil, zalf of injectie. Ze werken op dezelfde manier als een natuurlijk hormoon (zie hoofdstuk 8). Het gaat om de gezondheid en vitaliteit die zich gaandeweg ontwikkeld. En of je nu denkt dat pro-hormonen een vorm van valsspelen zijn of niet, ze kunnen erg gevaarlijk zijn en nare bijwerkingen hebben.

Het was bijvoorbeeld bekend dat Major League Baseball-legende Mark McGwire pro-hormonen gebruikte terwijl hij werkte om residence run-records te breken. Hij werd al snel een centrale figuur in het steroïde schandaal dat de sportindustrie op zijn kop zette. Een ander zeer belangrijk voordeel van het nemen van 1-androsterone, is dat het niet “gemethyleerd” … En dat is ook het belangrijkste verschil van een illegale prohormoon het genereren van veel en niet te verwaarlozen bijwerkingen en verwondingen aan het lichaam. Hier is een snelle blik op enkele van de meest populaire en meest effectieve suggesties voor prohormoon supplementen, waarschijnlijk gevonden ay iedere potentiële gebruiker in het internet.